Posts Tagged ‘technology’

Prime Drilling – HDD technology

Prime Drilling is a designer and manufacturer of top quality HDD rigs and HDD equipment. HDD stands for Horizontal Directional Drilling.Our companys motto is: “for your success!”. Because a successful bore not only depends on good equipment but also on a good service and a good support. Total customer satisfaction is our main objective.The customer [...]


The Web POS Software Technology

Having a POS system in each of your stores usually adds complexity by having to deal with each and every single system that your stores use. Not only is this compounded by having to deal with each and every single system or POS, you also have to ensure that all POS that you have, updates [...]


POSqx – New point of sale technology makes the difference and takes you towards achievement

For running the restaurant in more advanced way, you need to use high-end best POS point of sale technology. A Point of sale technology can manage the lot in your restaurant fairly comfortably and precisely. Most importantly, New point of sale technology can process all sales made in your store – be it credit card, [...]